If employee training and education isn’t an integral part of your cybersecurity strategy, a recent scam might force you to reconsider. Instead of relying on complicated programming code to steal and destroy data, hackers are increasingly relying on human errors to get the job done.
This fake Google app is really a phishing scam
Why you need to update Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a staple business application. But since so many people use it on a daily basis, hackers work tirelessly to expose and exploit flaws in the system. In fact, cybercriminals stumbled upon a Word vulnerability that puts your sensitive data at risk.
Sly phishing attack catching users off guard
You pay close enough attention to the links you click to avoid clicking on something like goolge.com or evrenote.com...right? Because if you’re not, you could end up exposing your computer or smartphone to a host of malware. The newest phishing attack strategy is the worst of all, and can catch even the most astute users off guard.
Cyber-crime and social engineering
For as long as there have been cybercriminals, there have been social engineers, or people who use tricks and scams to force other people to volunteer sensitive information. There are several ways to use social engineering to acquire valuable information like account passwords and bank accounts, but avoiding these scams comes down to one thing: training.
9 cybersecurity terms everyone must know
Everyone, from doctors to lawyers, needs to continue learning to stay ahead of the times. Business owners might have it worst of all, oftentimes needing to stay on top of several industries to keep their company running. Keep reading for a refresher on all the latest trends and buzzwords used in the cybersecurity sector.
Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks
According to several reports, the volume of malicious cyber attacks have increased since the beginning of the Rio Olympics. And even though our devices have the latest network security systems, hackers have a cunning trick up their sleeves -- social engineering.