Privacy is a precious commodity in this era. Every website you visit or app you download leaves a digital footprint that can be tracked by anyone. Fortunately, most — if not all — web browsers offer private browsing features to keep your internet activity a little bit safer from prying eyes.
Can private browsing keep you safe?
Invaluable tips for online safety
Let’s be honest, surfing the net in the comfort of your home or with the privacy of a small screen feels safe. However, certain sites could be snooping on your online activity by placing digital trackers called “cookies” on your devices. Here’s what happens to your personal details whenever you go online.
Which web browser do you prefer?
To access the web when the internet was in its infancy, computer users could only choose between Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. Thanks to advancements in technology, people can now do their work in a browser. If you’re looking for an alternate way to surf the web, our list below will have an answer for you.
What private browsing can and can’t do
As you surf the web, it’s nearly impossible to keep your internet activity completely private. Certain websites collect personal information for marketing purposes and your browser keeps track of all the websites you visit. But that browsing information can also fall into the wrong hands, which is why you should consider using private browsing if you want to keep your online activities to yourself.
Chrome 57 comes with some serious upgrades
More than half of all internet users browse the web with Google’s Chrome browser. So when a new version is released, that’s a pretty big deal. And even by Chrome standards, the most recent improvements make some big changes. Three upgrades stand out in particular.
Our 4 favorite web browsers
Internet browsers are a unique type of software. No two browsers share the same list of features and functions, and almost all of them are free. That means you have a lot of options when choosing which is right for you, and that decision isn’t always clear cut.
Native ad blocker is coming to this browser
Ad blocking is here to stay. Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox all have extensions that make it possible, and now Opera has added an ad blocking feature directly into the browser. Should your business be concerned? Well it all depends on how much money you spend on online ads.