Top PC makers are becoming more concerned as Intel CPU shortages continue to persist. According to several reports, Intel has struggled to keep up with the rising demand for high-performance computer chips, which will affect millions of businesses. Here’s a quick rundown on the Intel PC shortage.
PC makers struggle to meet demand
Make the most out of old PCs
If your PC has been struggling to perform all the tasks you have at hand, we completely understand why you would be itching for a new one, or even if you’ve already replaced it with the latest model. But even if it’s old, sluggish, and always crashing, your old desktop or laptop may still prove to be useful.
Keep your laptop from overheating
Laptops are so convenient and hassle-free to use. It’s easy to forget that they need regular maintenance. One of the most common causes of laptop damage is overheating. Learn how to prevent your laptop from overheating, so you can boost its speed and prolong its life.
Enhance your new laptop in 5 steps
Laptops may not be the most powerful computers, but the benefits they provide are undisputable. For one thing, they deliver a similar user experience to your huge desktop PC, but much more conveniently and affordably. But before you reap their many benefits, learn five precautionary steps you should take before using them.
HP laptop users beware: keylogger found
You might be entering credit card details on a website to purchase something online or filling in your personal information to subscribe to a service, thinking you’re safe behind the keyboard. And you probably are -- if the computer you’re using doesn’t have a keylogger installed.
Extend laptop battery life with these tips
Finding a power socket is often the first thing you do when carrying a laptop to work in a cafe, a coworking space, or an airport, and not every time will you be lucky to find one available. You’ll be forced, then, to rely solely on your laptop battery -- if it still has any juice left.
Small business & the laptop vs desktop debate
With the advent of e-commerce and online storefronts, global commerce has opened a whole new world for the small business owner. It has never been easier to find customers for your product or service. Of course, you still need to have to right tools.
Should your next laptop be a Chromebook?
With the advent of cloud computing, more and more people are choosing Google Chromebook for their next laptop purchase. However, many business owners are still on the fence as to whether or not this new 21st century laptop will satisfy their needs. If this is you, here’s a quick guide to figure out if a Chromebook is a smart choice for your business.
Revive your old laptop this Spring
There comes a point in the life of every laptop where its hard drive slows and it begins to function at a snail’s pace. At this point, many people either toss it or retire it to the back of a closet. If you’re one of the latter, then this Spring you may be able infuse life into it.
Choosing your MacBook: which one is best?
Thinking of buying a new MacBook? Apple now has four primary models to choose from: MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro with Retina display, and the latest 12-inch MacBook. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you.