Internet of Things (IoT) devices and appliances are proving to be excellent ways to leverage automation in pursuit of profitability and customer satisfaction. As with any device that connects to the internet, they need to be configured to protect business and personal data.
IoT security 101: Things to remember
Ways to safeguard your IoT devices
Your Internet of Things (IoT) devices — smart TVs, security cameras, smart locks — add a level of convenience to your workplace, but they also make your systems more vulnerable to cyberattacks. That’s because they’re essentially potential entry points for hackers.
How IoT will change businesses
In today’s corporate environment, most industries are ready for the Internet of Things (IoT) in their own unique ways. Let’s take a look at these examples of utilizing IoT in various business niches that are in operation or will be implemented soon.
Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know
What’s the worst thing that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices? If you guessed ‘getting infected with malware,’ you’re right. Many users think IoT gadgets don’t need the same protections required for PCs, laptops, and smartphones -- but they do.
2017’s most valuable IT solutions
It’s the perfect time of year to evaluate last year’s technology investments and make adjustments for the year to come. Whether 2017 left you with extra cash in your pocket or desperate for a better way to get work done, here’s a roundup of the best IT news from the past year.
5 ways to protect your IoT devices
Just a few years ago, smart appliances seemed like novelty products for rich business owners. Now, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a viable solution for putting your business ahead of the curve. But whether it’s a smart fridge or a surveillance camera that connects to your phone, IoT devices should be treated and secured just like any computer in a network.
Business opportunities with IoT
Many IT experts predict that more businesses will gravitate towards the Internet of Things (IoT). This statement is hard to dispute considering that smart thermostats and refrigerators are already in widespread use. But internet-connected appliances aren’t the only thing IoT has to offer.