With over four billion internet users around the globe totaling roughly 59% of the population, the internet is rife with opportunities for hackers to steal users’ information. And with technology constantly evolving and the internet growing, it’s not likely to get safer anytime soon.
Improve internet security with these easy tips
Make site visitors feel secure with these tips
When customers visit and use your website, engender feelings of trust and security instead of alarm and distrust. Easily improve feelings of internet security with these three tips.
Understanding HTTPS
Are you an avid online shopper? Have you noticed if each payment page has HTTPS in its URL lead-up? If you’re not absolutely sure, you might be a prime target for identity theft. Here's why you should make sure that the websites you browse for shopping have a little padlock icon on them in the URL bar.
5 Easy tips for preventing data breaches
Keeping your personal and professional information safe from cybercriminals is not easy. It takes constant vigilance and frequent training. There are dozens of simple tools and tips to help people with almost zero expertise stay safe online, but these five are our favorites.
Chrome: From HTTP to HTTPS
Within the last year, Chrome has helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure. More websites use HTTPS, a safer protocol, than ever before. So, how can you benefit from this transition? Find out here.
For several years, Google has moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt the Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) encryption.
Safe web browsing requires HTTPS
How many times this month have you paid for something online using your credit card? Was each payment page secured by HTTPS? If you’re not 100% certain, you’re a prime target for identity theft. The padlock icon in your web browser’s address bar is immensely important and it requires your attention.
Phishing alert: scammers now use encryption
When you visit an encrypted website, the connection between the source of the web page and your browser is secure. Encryption ensures users’ browsing habits are safe from hackers’ prying eyes, but phishing scammers have found a way to adopt it for their own schemes.
Hackers KRACK WiFi security
For ages, most people assumed that setting a strong password on their WiFi router was enough to prevent cyberattacks, but recent events prove otherwise. Two Belgian security analysts have found a serious weakness in WiFi networks, called KRACK, that puts your wireless devices in danger.
5 security measures made easy
Let’s face it, keeping yourself free from online threats can be a pain: using different passwords for every site, changing them every three months, using advanced encryption, the list goes on and on. You either end up paranoid of being online or give up altogether.