You wouldn’t think that cybercriminals would carry out their nefarious schemes in plain sight — except that they do and you’ve probably already fallen victim to them. Learn all about a scheme called distributed spam distraction (DSD) and how malicious actors are using it to steal valuable information from their victims.
The threat of distributed spam distraction
Is your PC being used for cryptojacking?
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Monero are secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars, so naturally, hackers are looking for opportunities to mine them. They are using malicious tactics to obtain cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking.
Hackers hijack PCs to steal cryptocurrency
There’s a new cyberattack in town, and it’s out to get your Bitcoins. Cryptojacking has grown in popularity over the past few months mainly because of the increasing value of cryptocurrency. So if you notice your computer slowing down, hackers may already be using your hardware to make easy money.
Don’t fall for distributed spam distraction
One of the most frustrating things about using email is seeing dozens of spam messages every day. Fortunately, they’re just minor annoyances that are easy to remove from your inbox. However, hackers have developed a way to make spam much more insidious.