
Why BI Software is a wise pick for your company

With Business Intelligence software, companies have the ability to pull data from various sources throughout the company, from human resources to accounting and marketing reports. By combining information from across departments, owners have all the data they need to make the best decisions for their company.

Download iOS 10.1 right now and here’s why

If you want to make sure that your iPhone reliably works the way it should and that all the information in it is secure, you should always pay special attention to updates as soon as they become available. Although you may be hesitant to immediately download the latest iOS 10.1 update, you should get to know more about why you should download this update right away.

Malware hits more than 3,000 Android apps

There is a new threat to Android users that has many customers racing to their closest IT security firm. The malware, from the DressCode family, makes a subtle entrance through Android apps and then branches off to attack your most sensitive files. Here is more information on the vicious DressCode malware and how you can safeguard your computer from infiltration.